On all levels … in our interactions with our clients, with our associates and with the public, we operate on the same premise, because it honours what is best in all of us, and because it yields results…

Respect – Connect – Reflect

We understand the effects of conflict and change on individuals, families, communities and businesses.  We know that people in conflict may be feeling a loss of control and stability in their lives, and any number of emotions.
You need to be heard … and you need resolution.

We power meaningful and resourceful conversations that seek to:

  • remove the yoke of positions
  • hasten breakthrough moments
  • lead to sustainable and life-affirming agreements
  • and build greater skill in future problem-solving

Our work revolves around getting past positions we all take in life to the meaning and interests behind them – the needs, wants, fears, concerns and aspirations that we all have.  When we meet there, at that more meaningful and shared place, our conversations become more respectful, more reflective and more resourceful … the road to agreement more creative, joyous and powerful … and solutions clearer and more possible.

Respect – Connect – Reflect

We start with respect … for you and your conflict.  Anything can be mediated, whether a dispute over plans for your children, property, or a business deal … a need for an apology … or simply a need to hear or be heard.  Anything that’s important to you belongs at our table when it involves a conversation that’s become too difficult to have on your own.

We are not here to fix anyone or to tell them what to do.  We are neutral and not on anyone’s ‘side’.   You might say we are on everyone’s side.  We are here to assist all parties in conflict to get to a point where they can problem-solve together.

We have as our aim and privilege to connect with you, with the other party, and to connect two people in conflict to work towards a solution that they themselves come to, with our assistance.  Whether there is an ongoing relationship (personal or business) between the parties, or not, each person must have the opportunity to be heard fully, to hear fully, and to feel whole at the end of the process for true resolution.

We work with you to reflect on what you want and need, what you believe your barriers are to settlement of your issues … all to get to more creative and more enduring agreements … to get to the best solution for your life going forward.

We also reflect on what we do and how we do it… before, during and after each mediation, to make sure we are acting with highest integrity and always getting better at our craft… to better serve you.


We invite you to  our BLOG where we discuss
issues related to communication, conflict and problem-solving.
It is a conversation … and we welcome your comments.